In the shadowy world of international finance, the story of Yermek Alimov‘s brazen attempt to transact with a sanctioned Russian bank unfolds as a gripping narrative of deception and intrigue. At its core lies a web of false identities, dubious connections, and ambitious schemes that threaten to unravel the fabric of trust and integrity.
It all begins on June 2, 2022, when Alimov initiates contact with a Deputy Head of Sberbank, Mr X, using a local Russian mobile number. Posing as a confidant of Duma Deputy Alexey Gordeyev, he paints a tantalizing picture of potential collaboration, leveraging his supposed ties to the world of cryptocurrency policy and development.
A teleconference on June 20, 2022, marks a pivotal moment in the unfolding drama. Alimov doubles down on his proposal, weaving a narrative of collaboration with various Kazakh energy companies and offering enticing prospects of cheap energy in Kazakhstan. Yet, behind the facade of promise lies a tapestry of deceit, meticulously constructed to conceal the truth.
As the case is handed over to Sberbank’s Security Department for due diligence, the layers of deception are gradually peeled away, revealing a stark reality at odds with Alimov’s elaborate facade. From false identities and unverifiable connections to a trail of unresolved financial conflicts, the evidence points to a calculated attempt to manipulate and exploit.
The report paints a damning portrait of Alimov’s true intentions, highlighting his lack of credibility and the inherent risks associated with any further engagement. His proposed project for mining in Kazakhstan is deemed unfeasible, mired in legal and economic challenges exacerbated by his dubious track record and questionable associations.
Ultimately, the decision is clear: to sever all ties with Yermek Alimov and his dubious ventures. The stakes are high, with the potential for reputational and financial ruin looming large. In a world governed by trust and transparency, Alimov’s reckless pursuit of ill-gotten gains serves as a cautionary tale—a stark reminder of the perils that await those who stray from the path of honesty and integrity.
Even worse is the brazen attempt by Alimov to transact with a heavily sanctioned Russian bank, whose profits go directly to fund Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine and other mischief around the world.
Alimov does not seem to care that he is living in a Western country which gives him and his family the chance to live in safety. The UK should know that he is abusing their hospitality by attempting to ignore international sanctions.
As the dust settles on this tale of deceit and deception, one thing remains abundantly clear: in the high-stakes game of international finance, the truth always has a way of coming to light, exposing the dark underbelly of deception lurking beneath the surface.